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At Easy Afford, we offer comprehensive packages and can handle the entire IKEA kitchen project from start to finish. We always do our best to provide the best possible quality and leave our customers fully satisfied Our services are available in Toronto, Oakville, Brampton, Mississauga, and surrounding areas.
Addition to IKEA kitchen 6ft long with GRIMSLOV off-white door's style
U-Shape Axstad-IKEA kitchen with island
Customized IKEA kitchen. Gallery wall (19 ft) kitchen plus 10 ft island. 10 ft ceiling. EKESTAD design doors, painted in blank white (wall units) and grey (base units).
Small and affordable IKEA galley kitchen at the unit for rent. VEDDINGE white doors with black handles and KARLBY countertop
Galley kitchen 7'. EDSERUM door's style.
Galley wall IKEA kitchen 20ft with 7ft island
Galley wall 14' office kitchen. AXSTAD matt white door's style with dark grey panels
Two parallel wall IKEA kitchen with IKEA's butcher block countertop and AXSTAD matt white doors
Customized IKEA kitchen. Gallery wall (19 ft) kitchen plus 10 ft island. 10 ft ceiling. EKESTAD doors, painted in blank white (wall units) and grey (base units)